Principal, Curtis Middle School, Allen ISD, Allen, Texas
Nominee: Phillip C. Schlechty
Becky Kennedy was named Met Life/Texas Association Middle School Principal of the Year for 2008. The honor came after 33 years of distinguished service to middle school and high school aged children in Texas. In 2009 Kennedy was recognized by receiving an HEB Excellence in Education Award representing North Texas. Mrs. Kennedy has been a guest speaker for various leadership settings in Allen ISD and also a presenter at the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals conference.
A graduate of Texas Tech University, Becky served as art teacher, art coordinator, assistant principal, house principal and principal in three school districts thorough-out her career. Becky is a strong believer in servant leadership. Her superintendent writes, “Mrs. Kennedy routinely nurtures an environment where instructional designs incorporate creativity and intellectual development for the success of the whole child.” Curtis Middle School diagnostician notes, “Personalizing the school environment to meet the needs of each unique student is truly where Becky’s heart lies.” Becky believes that it is up to the principal, as the instructional leader, to provide the kind of leadership in the school and community that builds and maintains a vision of high expectations for all students. Student success can be measured in many ways. Through personalizing the learning environment, students become willing participants in the learning process. She believes that engaging lessons, designed by teachers, are instrumental to student success in the learning process. Mrs. Kennedy also believes, as leaders and designers, we must invest in our students today so that they can become the leaders of tomorrow.
Becky and her husband, a retired teacher, are proud parents of two daughters who both serve in education in Texas.