Neag Endowed Professor of Educational Policy at the Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut
Nominee: Carol S. Dweck
Casey D. Cobb is the Neag Endowed Professor of Educational Policy at the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Cobb is a former associate dean and department head of educational leadership at the Neag School. He is editor of Educational Administration Quarterly, a highly ranked SAGE journal. Dr. Cobb is co-author of Fundamentals of Statistical Reasoning in Education (Wiley/Jossey Bass) and Leading Dynamic Schools: How to Create and Implement Ethical Policies (Corwin Press). Dr. Cobb has published in such journals as Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Policy, Education and Urban Society, Educational Leadership, and the Peabody Journal of Education. He was co-award winner of the 2015 Outstanding Policy Report award for the American Educational Research Association’s Division L. Dr. Cobb is a National Education Policy Center fellow and member of the research advisory panel for the National Coalition on School Diversity. He is an elected member of the executive committee for the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), a national consortium of 100 top universities. Dr. Cobb has served as PI or co-PI on projects with grant funds totaling over $8 million. He holds an A.B. from Harvard University and a Ph.D. from Arizona State University.