Professor of Education at the University of Tennessee
Nominee: P. David Pearson
Professor Allington was an elementary classroom teacher, reading specialist, and federal programs administrator before becoming a professor and researcher at the University of Tennessee. Dick served as the President of the International Reading Association in 2005-2006 and as President of the National Reading Conference in 1996-1997. He received the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the International Reading Association for his study of perceptual processing in young children, was co-recipient of the Albert J. Harris Award from IRA in recognition of his work contributing to the understanding of reading and learning disabilities, a recipient of the William S. Gray Award from IRA for his contributions to the profession and has been named to the Reading Hall of Fame.
Dick currently serves on the editorial boards of Reading Research Quarterly, Reading Teacher, Remedial and Special Education, the Journal of Literacy Research, the Elementary School Journal, Language Arts, and the Journal of Disability Policy Studies. He has previously served terms on the editorial boards of the Review of Educational Research and the Journal of Educational Psychology, and as associate editor of the Journal of Literacy Research.
He is an author of over 150 research articles and ten books focused on research-based reading instruction. Finally, Dick has been the principal investigator on several federal research projects funded by OERI, NIH, and OSEP.