Mariela A. Rodríguez

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Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Director of Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Nominee:  Carlos Alberto Torres

Mariela A. Rodríguez is associate dean of the graduate school and director of teaching, learning, and professional development for graduate students at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She is also associate professor in the department of educational leadership and policy studies where she previously served as doctoral program coordinator. Mariela earned her Ph.D. in educational administration from New Mexico State University as a W.K. Kellogg Foundation fellow through the Hispanic Border Leadership Institute. At the national level, Dr. Rodríguez is the 2016-2017 president-elect of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). Her primary area of research focuses on the supportive practices of school leaders working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. She has presented at national and international conferences and her work has been published in several book chapters and peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Equity & Excellence in Education and the International Journal of Leadership in Education. Dr. Rodríguez is also active in the American Educational Research Association (AERA). She has been elected as chair and program chair of the Hispanic Research Issues SIG, and in 2015 was elected as member at large of the Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership (LTEL) SIG.