Nicholas Burckel

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Dean of Libraries, Associate Professor of History, Marquette University
Nominee:  Alan E. Guskin

Dr. Burckel is currently Dean of Libraries and Associate Professor of History at Marquette University where he led efforts to plan and construct a state-of-the-art $55 million library that opened in the fall of 2003. Previously he served as Director of Public Services and Collection Development and later as Associate Dean of Libraries at Washington University in St. Louis. He was also Adjunct Associate Professor in the University of Missouri’s School of Library and Information Science. He served in a variety of capacities at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside: Director of Archives and Area Research Center, Associate Director of the Library/Learning Center, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, and Assistant Vice Chancellor.

Dr. Burckel received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University and his MA and Ph.D. in history from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; his MLS is from UW-Milwaukee. He is the editor or co-author of six books, more than a dozen articles, and 100 reviews in archival, library, and historical journals. His publications have received awards from the Council for Wisconsin Writers, the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, and the American Association for State and Local History. He was awarded a Council on Library Resources academic library management internship at the University of Chicago and was a senior fellow at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science.

Dr. Burckel is past president of the Midwest Archives Conference and is a Fellow and past president of the Society of American Archivists. He currently serves on the Beta Phi Mu Library Honor Society Executive Board, the University Libraries Advisory Committee of the Council on Library and Information Resources, and the Editorial Board of Portal: Libraries and the Academy. In 1996 President Clinton appointed him to a four-year term on the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. He was reappointed to a second term on the Commission and served on its executive committee from 1997 to 2003. In 2002 he received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and in 2003 was named Librarian of the Year by the Wisconsin Library Association.

Nomination Portfolio