Superintendent, Rio Rancho Public School District, Rio Rancho, NM
Nominee: Lawrence W. Lezotte
Dr. Sue Cleveland has been Superintendent of the Rio Rancho Public School District since its creation in 1994. During that time, the district has grown from 5,900 to almost 16,000 students. The district has been recognized for the quality of its instructional programs, facilities, and outstanding staff, as well some unique partnerships with the New Mexico business community.
Prior to her current position, Dr. Cleveland was Superintendent of Schools in Cherokee County, South Carolina, and held teaching and administrative positions with the Deer Park Independent School District (Houston metro area). Her initial teaching experience was in the Las Cruces Public Schools in New Mexico.
Dr. Cleveland’s recognitions include, among others: 20 Women to Watch in the New Millennium (Sage Magazine) in 2000, the YWCA “Woman on the Move” Recognition in 2000, and Governor’s Award for Outstanding New Mexico Woman in 2001. Most recently, in 2007, she was recognized as a Women of Influence by the New Mexico Business Weekly. Dr. Cleveland was one of four national finalists considered for the AASA National Superintendent of the Year Award in 2004. She was featured in the Administrator Profile ofDistrict Administration (periodical) in 2005 and New Mexico Woman Magazine in 2006.
She received her B.A. from the University of New Mexico, M.A. from New Mexico State University, Ed.D. from the University of Houston and post-graduate work at the University of South Carolina.